Boost Your Art Sales

Build a Strong Brand

Enhance Customer Engagement

Get Your Artwork the Attention It Deserves

You’ve created artwork for some time, and everyone who sees it compliments it. Yet, you still struggle to make sales. Does this sound familiar?   Likely one of the most significant challenges in your business is that not enough people know about you and your art. While social media is my favorite way to overcome this, this bonus PDF introduces five other alternatives that can help. 

Henri Hagelberg

My name is Henri Hagelberg, and I am the self-taught artist behind textuuri. I have created and sold textured art since early 2022, and offered courses since late 2023. My courses combined have around 2500 students, and all of them have received a 5/5 rating. I hope to see you on my course!

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I hope you find this complimentary downloadable bonus helpful. Should you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out via Instagram or email at [email protected]

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